Please note that few months before ransomware has infected 1000’s of systems around the world. Further to it, now compromised systems which are configured to access or download emails are used to hijack email ids. Using these hijacked email ids, hacker demand ransom. This is more prominent in email ids that have very very weak password or using same password for all email ids. If you receive any suspicious mail, please do not open or respond to that mail. Please check the headers in full and it might have come from other IPs. Such mails are reported common when users use simple email password without any special characters in them.
For safety, first reset all your password in that account including email, database, cpanel etc. Mostly such attacks happen at the users mobile or system when they use an outdated or un protected OS or devices.
Also make sure that you taking the below necessary actions at your end.
Keep your local system free from virus and malware
Always use genuine OS in your system
Use anti-virus,firewall and anti-malware tools to protect your system
Always use tough passwords like 3r48d*#R#T&3023r
Keep Changing the passwords for mails.
Make sure your computer and computers on your network are virus and malware free.
Make sure your website is free of malware and security vulnerabilities. If you are using a third party script or code on your site, this usually means running the latest secure version
It is very very important for you to maintain your website, email,database backup in multiple locations preferably in external devices like USB and hard disk and keep it safe. Silicon House does not take backup of any website hosted under a server. Hence we advice you to take backup of websites/your customers to take backup of websites hosted under your account and also we advice your clients to do the same. Please note that having multiple backup is a must for your business continuity. Hence we advice you to start taking backup during the non peak hours in your control panel and download it via ftp. Even if you have cpanel backup enabled in the server we advice you to take the backup locally and keep it safe.